U-Pick cost is $22 per KG.

We are able to offer limited U-Pick to those who are registered. We would love to welcome everyone but are limited by the amount of fruit and plants we have.

If you have been registered in the past you do not need to register again. If you are not currently registered you are welcome to complete the form below to be considered.

U-Pick days are variable. As a general rule we will be open for U-pick daily during peak season but then limited days at the start and end of the season. The homepage will be updated each week with a confirmation of opening days and times.

U-Pick Rules

Every person (12+ years) must pick or pay for at least 1kg ($22). If you pick less than 1kg you are still required to pay $22 per person.

Children must be supervised at all times and not permitted to eat the fruit or run between the rows

You are not allowed to eat the berries before paying

You are required to pick only in the area we allocate

Please respect our farm and blueberry plants. They are very fragile and we give them our love and care all year so you can enjoy their amazing fruit.

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